Interview with Cashae Monya: Marianne Angelle

by moxielicious


MOXIE favorite Cashae Monya stars as Marianne Angelle in Lauren Gunderson’s The Revolutionists. Marianne is a composite character created by Gunderson to embody the badass ladies of the uprisings in the Caribbean that were happening at the same time as the French Revolution. Cashae answered some questions for assistant director Callie Prendiville about her role:

Callie: What is your favorite thing about Marianne?

Cashae: My favorite thing about my character is playing a woman that makes me think,
“Damn! I want to be like her when I grow-up.” It’s is rare that I get to play a character
that I deeply admire and respect. Marianne is so strong in her convictions, honest and fearless. She makes me want to be a better person and I feel blessed to be portraying a woman with so much guts and class.


Callie: What’s the most interesting or unexpected thing you’ve discovered about this time period?

Cashae: History is so fascinating! I would say the most interesting and unsettling thing I discovered about this time period is the methods of torture that were used. It is unfathomable to think that people used their intellect and financial resources to create such gruesome ways to kill other human beings. And it gets even more despicable: People would gather and watch people being brutally murdered, it was entertainment??And these methods were a part of the judicial system. It’s appalling.

Callie: What is your biggest challenge in this piece?

Cashae: My biggest challenge is being true to the charmingly comedic moments of the piece while also honoring the heartbreakingly tragic moments woven throughout the play.

Callie: Why does San Diego need this play now?

Cashae:  San Diego needs this play because Donald Trump is president and we have a lot of work to do.

 Check out The Revolutionists playing at MOXIE through June 25!