Let The Audience Blog!

by moxielicious

Bruce Underhill usually ushers for MOXIE which means he sees the shows for free in return for his service.  When Bruce saw that the usher spots for Opening Night were filled, he decided to buy a ticket and come anyway. He was inspired to send us this message about his experience and agreed to allow us to publish it. Here are some excerpts from that. Thank you Bruce. You have no idea how well timed your message was. Patrons like you are the reason we do what we do.

Bruce Underhill

Wow – went to the opening night performance of ” … Pope Lick Creek” – what a privilege to be in the presence of such excellence … all the more so in the small theater setting. You can appreciate everything even more when it’s so up close and direct an experience.  I absolutely love it when such distinct characters come so alive. 

Amanda Osborn in “The Trestle at Pope Lick Creek”. Photo by Jennifer Eve Thorn

Amanda brought Pace so alive it was an incredible ride to be with everything she was going through.  And it was a pleasure to be on the receiving end of Naomi Wallace’s writing.  Points were made but they were so fundamental, so universal, and so brought to life amidst the gut-wrenching drama of moment to moment existence….

What a team and spirit you’ve all put together – there’s a chemistry inside those doors that seems to permeate all who participate and yet everyone seems so sweet, open, and down to earth.  I was so glad there were no usher openings – happy to pay the full price to do at least a small part to keep this all going.  In fact, I’m moved to send a contribution to lend at least a small hand to your current fundraising efforts.  I’ll head to your website for that…
CHEERS … Bruce …